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The Ultimate Skin Care Routine for Combination Skin

Published : May 29, 2024 7 mins read Updated On : May 30, 2024

If you find oily and dry patches on your skin, then you have combination skin. Balancing a skincare routine for combination skin may sound challenging but with the right ingredients and proper guidance it is possible.

It doesn't matter how much of your skin is oily, dark or dry, the routine remains largely the same. Just be consistent and follow the routine right down to the last letter and you will realise the benefits to your combination skin.

The Ultimate Skin Care Routine for Combination Skin

What is Combination Skin?

Combination skin is a skin type characterized by having multiple skin conditions across different areas of the face. Typically, combination skin features oily areas, often concentrated in the forehead, nose, and chin (known as the T-zone), along with drier or normal areas, such as the cheeks and jawline (1).

Common Characteristics of Combination Skin

  • Oily T-Zone: The forehead, nose, and chin tend to be oilier compared to the rest of the face. This is because these areas have a higher

concentration of sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, the skin's natural oil.

  • Dry or Normal Cheeks: The cheeks and sometimes the outer edges of the face may have normal or dry skin. These areas may feel tight or

flaky, especially after washing.

  • Large Pores: Oily areas, particularly the T-zone, often have larger pores due to increased sebum production, which can lead to blackheads

and acne.

  • Occasional Breakouts: Combination skin may be prone to occasional breakouts, especially in the oily areas, due to excess oil production and

pore congestion.

  • Sensitive Areas: Some parts of combination skin may be more sensitive than others, reacting to certain skincare products or environmental


Causes of Combination Skin?
Combination skin occurs when different areas of your face have different skin types, typically a mix of oily and dry or normal skin. Several factors can

contribute to combination skin (2):

  • Genetics: Your skin type is largely determined by your genes. If your parents have combination skin, there's a higher chance you'll inherit it
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause, can affect oil

production in your skin. This can lead to oily patches in some areas and dryness in others.

  • Diet: While diet doesn't directly cause combination skin, certain foods can exacerbate oily or dry skin conditions. For example, consuming a

diet high in processed foods, sugars, and unhealthy fats may trigger excess oil production, while not consuming enough water can lead to dehydration and dry skin.

  • Stress: Stress can disrupt your skin's balance by triggering hormonal changes that affect oil production. Additionally, stress may lead to

unhealthy skincare habits, such as neglecting your skincare routine or picking at your skin, which can exacerbate combination skin.

Signs of Combination Skin

Here are some common signs of combination skin
Signs of oily skin:

  • shiny skin
  • larger-looking pores
  • acne

Signs of dry skin

  • flaking
  • redness
  • feelings of tightness or roughness

Step by Step Routine for Combination Skin

Morning routine for combination skin

  • Cleanser: Start by cleansing your face with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser. Look for a product that effectively removes excess oil and

impurities without stripping the skin of its natural moisture. Slowly massage the cleanser onto damp skin, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water (3).

  • Toner: Use a balancing toner to help regulate oil production and pH balance your skin. Look for toners that contain ingredients like witch

hazel, niacinamide, or salicylic acid to help control oiliness in the T-zone while soothing and hydrating drier areas. Apply the toner to a cotton and gently swipe it across your face, focusing on the T-zone.

  • Serum: Apply a lightweight serum that addresses specific concerns, such as hydration, brightening, or acne control. For combination skin, a

hydrating serum containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or glycerin can help replenish moisture in drier areas without feeling heavy or greasy. Apply a small amount of serum evenly onto your face and neck, focusing on any areas of dryness.

  • Moisturiser: Choose a moisturizer that is oil-free and non-comedogenic to avoid clogging pores in the oily areas of your face. Look for a

lightweight, hydrating formula that contains ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides to lock in moisture without adding excess oil. Apply the moisturiser evenly to your face and neck, focusing on drier areas while avoiding over-application in the T-zone (4).

  • Sunscreen: Finish your morning skincare routine with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Opt for a

lightweight, non-greasy formula that won't exacerbate oiliness in the T-zone. Apply sunscreen generously to your face and any exposed areas of skin, and reapply throughout the day as needed, especially if you'll be spending time outdoors.

  • Optional: Primer: If you wear makeup, you may choose to apply a mattifying or pore-minimizing primer to your T-zone to help control oil and

prolong the wear of your makeup. Look for a primer specifically formulated for combination or oily skin, and apply it after your sunscreen has fully absorbed.

Evening Skincare Routine for Combination Skin

  • Makeup Remover/Cleansing Oil: If you wear makeup or sunscreen, start by using a gentle makeup remover or cleansing oil to dissolve and

remove any makeup, sunscreen, and impurities from your skin. Massage the remover or oil onto dry skin in gentle, circular motions, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

  • Cleanser: Follow up with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser to thoroughly cleanse your skin and remove any remaining traces of makeup,

dirt, and oil. Choose a cleanser that is suitable for combination skin and won't strip the skin of its natural moisture. Slowly massage the cleanser onto damp skin, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

  • Exfoliation (Optional): 1-2 times a week, you may choose to incorporate a chemical exfoliant into your evening routine to help remove dead

skin cells and unclog pores. Look for a gentle exfoliant containing ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), which can help improve skin texture and reduce the appearance of blackheads and acne. Apply the exfoliant to clean, dry skin, following the instructions on the product label, and avoid using it on areas of active irritation or sensitivity.

  • Toner: After cleansing (and exfoliating, if applicable), use a balancing toner to help rebalance the skin's pH and prepare it for the next steps in

your skincare routine. Choose a toner that contains ingredients like witch hazel, niacinamide, or hyaluronic acid to help hydrate and soothe the skin while regulating oil production. Apply the toner to a cotton pad and gently swipe it across your face and neck, avoiding the eye area.

  • Serum: Apply a targeted serum to address specific concerns, such as hydration, anti-aging, or acne control. Choose a serum containing

ingredients like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, or retinol to help replenish moisture, brighten the skin, or promote cell turnover. Apply a small amount of serum evenly onto your face and neck, gently patting it into the skin until fully absorbed.

  • Moisturiser: Follow up with a moisturiser to lock in moisture and provide hydration to your skin overnight. Choose a moisturizer that is

lightweight and non-comedogenic to avoid clogging pores in oily areas, while still providing enough hydration for drier areas. Apply the moisturizer evenly to your face and neck, focusing on any areas of dryness (5).

Things to Avoid in Combination Skincare Routine

  • Don’t Skip Moisturiser
Moisturising is essential for all skin types, yet it's important to choose products tailored to your specific skin type. It's advisable to use moisturiser sparingly on oily areas and apply it more generously to dry areas.

  • Don’t Forget to Exfoliate

For optimal skin health, exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells. Use a gentle exfoliant once a week. If dry areas are sensitive, exfoliate only those areas as necessary.

  • Don’t Get Stuck in One Routine

Ensure your skincare routine adapts to your skin's evolving needs. Adjust your products and regimen accordingly to keep up with these changes.


Finding the perfect skincare routine for combination skin can be challenging, requiring some experimentation. However, with careful selection of products tailored to specific areas, you can achieve optimal results. If unsure, seeking advice from a dermatologist is always recommended for any queries or uncertainties.


1. What is the best skincare routine for combination skin?
The ideal skincare routine for combination skin involves gentle cleansing, balancing toner, lightweight moisturizer, and targeted treatments as needed. Regular exfoliation, sunscreen, and adapting products to varying skin needs are essential for maintaining a healthy balance.
2. Which skincare brand is best for combination skin?
Chicnutrix Outshine is the best brand for combination skin
3. Which treatment is best for combination skin?
The best treatments for combination skin include gentle exfoliation with AHAs or BHAs to unclog pores and balance oil production. Additionally, targeted treatments like niacinamide or retinol can address specific concerns without causing irritation or exacerbating dryness.
4. What is not good for combination skin?
Harsh cleansers, heavy moisturizers, and skipping sunscreen are not good for combination skin. These can strip the skin of its natural oils, exacerbate dryness in some areas, and increase oiliness in others, leading to imbalances and potential breakouts.

Dr. Vanshika Rajpal
Facial Injector, PMU Trainer

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