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Can Lean PCOS Be Cured? The Truth Unveiled

Published : October 8, 2021 9 mins read Updated On : Mar 22, 2024

Hey ladies, have you heard of lean PCOS? It's a lesser-known form of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) that affects many women but often goes undiagnosed. Unlike traditional PCOS, lean PCOS is characterized by normal body weight or even being underweight.
In fact, up to 30% of PCOS-afflicted people are average weight. Hence it can be challenging to diagnose and cure it. In this blog post, we'll dive into what lean PCOS is, why it's important to pay attention to it, and how it can impact your overall health and fertility. We'll also provide tips on managing lean PCOS symptoms and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Can Lean PCOS Be Cured? The Truth Unveiled

Understanding Lean PCOS

Lean PCOS, also known as lean polycystic ovary syndrome, is a subtype of PCOS characterized by normal body weight or low body weight. Women with lean PCOS share many symptoms with traditional PCOS, such as irregular periods, infertility, and high levels of androgens (male hormones). However, they often have fewer visible cysts on their ovaries. The exact cause of lean PCOS is unknown, but it is believed to involve a combination of genetic and hormonal factors. While there is currently no cure for lean PCOS, it can be managed through lifestyle changes and medications to regulate hormones and improve symptoms.

Symptoms of Lean PCOS

  • Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms of lean PCOS, also known as lean polycystic ovary syndrome, can include irregular periods, acne, and excessive hair growth. Women with lean PCOS may also experience difficulty getting pregnant due to irregular ovulation. The exact cause of lean PCOS is believed to involve hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. While there is no cure for lean PCOS, the symptoms can be managed through lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and following a balanced diet.

  • Emotional Symptoms

In addition to irregular periods, infertility, and high levels of male hormones, lean PCOS can cause emotional and psychological symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. These symptoms may be linked to hormonal imbalances, stress related to fertility struggles, or body image issues.

Diagnosis of Lean PCOS

  • Medical Examination

To diagnose lean PCOS, a medical examination is necessary. This includes reviewing symptoms and medical history. Blood tests are conducted to measure hormone levels such as luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and androgen levels. These tests can also assess insulin resistance markers. Additionally, an ultrasound may be performed to evaluate the ovaries for cysts or other abnormalities. An accurate diagnosis is crucial for developing a suitable treatment plan and effectively managing symptoms.

  • Diagnosis Tests

Diagnostic tests for lean PCOS can be challenging due to the less obvious symptoms and less pronounced hormonal imbalances. To diagnose lean PCOS, healthcare providers may use hormone testing to measure levels of testosterone, estrogen, and other hormones. Ultrasound imaging is also used to check for the presence of cysts on the ovaries. It is important for women with lean PCOS to work closely with their healthcare providers to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and goals.

  • Difference between Lean PCOS and Non-Lean PCOS

Anybody, regardless of weight, can experience a variety of symptoms related to PCOS. For instance, one person might have irregular periods and excessive hair growth, while the other person might have diabetes and fertility problems. Two individuals with entirely different BMIs can experience the same symptoms simultaneously. For this reason, PCOS can frequently go undiagnosed, and this risk increases if you are lean.

But there is a bright side. Lean PCOS can still cause the same health issues as other varieties of PCOS, but the effects of diabetes and insulin resistance are typically less severe. Additionally, ovulation and fertility treatments typically yield better outcomes.

However, just because lean PCOS may not be as bad as non-lean PCOS does not imply you are safe. Everyone addresses PCOS seriously because you still have a higher chance of developing conditions like cardiovascular disease.

Since PCOS isn't a diagnosis that fits all, a good amount of study is required to understand how lean PCOS differs from non-lean PCOS.

Can Lean PCOS Be Cured?

While there is no known cure for PCOS, including lean PCOS, symptoms can be managed through lifestyle changes and medical treatments. Weight loss, exercise, and a healthy diet can help improve symptoms in some cases.

Nutritional Approaches
Nutritional approaches play a crucial role in managing lean PCOS. Individuals with this condition have a normal BMI and do not exhibit typical symptoms of weight gain. To manage lean PCOS, it is important to follow a balanced diet that includes whole grains, lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks, and excessive caffeine can help regulate insulin levels and reduce inflammation.

Lifestyle Modifications
Lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in managing the symptoms of lean PCOS. While there is no known cure, maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is important. A balanced diet, including whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, can help regulate hormones and improve insulin resistance.
Regular exercise, such as aerobic activities and strength training, improves insulin sensitivity and hormone balance. Stress management techniques like meditation or yoga are also beneficial.

Exercise and Lean PCOS
Regular exercise plays a crucial role in managing lean PCOS. It can help regulate hormone levels, improve insulin sensitivity, and aid in weight management. Exercise also reduces stress levels, which positively impacts hormonal balance.
However, it's important to find a suitable exercise routine, as excessive or intense exercise can worsen symptoms.

Designing a PCOS Workout Plan
Exercise plays a crucial role in managing lean PCOS. Incorporating a variety of exercises can be beneficial for women with this condition. Cardiovascular exercises, such as jogging or cycling, help maintain a healthy weight and improve insulin sensitivity.
Strength training exercises, like weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, help build muscle mass and increase metabolism. Flexibility exercises, such as yoga or stretching, reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.

What is the Best Supplement for Lean PCOS

Chicnutrix Cysterhood NAC and Cysterhood Inositol are supplements that help in managing PCOS. Cysterhood NAC is manufactured using Swiss Effervescent Technology and prepared with clinically proven 600 mg of N-acetylcysteine and Vitamin C, resulting in a well-balanced mix that supports hormone and ovarian health from the inside out.
Balances the hormones via a means of decreasing androgens and testosterone. It additionally regulates the menstrual cycle, reduces inflammation and oxidative stress, helps ovulation, and improves reproductive health and insulin resistance. It is excellent in taste in an exquisite strawberry flavour.

Cysterhood Inositol is made up of a proprietary blend of the scientifically proven ratio of 3.6:1 of Myo-inositol to D-chiro-inositol (Caronositol), Vegan Vitamin D3, Vitamin B9 (Folate) and Chromium. It aids in reducing high insulin levels and insulin resistance and modulates ovulatory cycles, which helps with fertility, inflammation reduction, and hormone balancing.
It aids in the prevention of Vitamin D3 deficiency as well as the weight management associated with PCOS. The 3.6:1 MI: DCI ratio has been demonstrated to increase pregnancy rates by 65.5 per cent. It has a delicious raspberry flavour to it.

Both are made with clinically proven ingredients, are vegan and gluten-free, and have received doctor's approval. They are mild, delicious in taste, and gentle on the stomach.

Frequently Asked Questions
Everyone should be aware of the severe disorder known as PCOS. Everyone, not just Cysters, has questions about it and wants to know the answers. So, in this part, we have answered a few of the frequently asked questions concerning PCOS that we've gathered:

Q. What does PCOS stand for?

A. PCOS stands for Polycystic ovary syndrome.

Q. What causes PCOS, then?

A. The precise cause of PCOS is yet uncertain. Given that people who have it are more likely to have a member of the family who also has it, some specialists lean toward the hypothesis that it may be a hereditary, inherited condition. The consensus is that women with PCOS have an insulin or insulin secretion abnormality, which causes the condition and increases their risk of developing diabetes.

Q. Who can get PCOS?

A. PCOS commonly affects women or people with uteruses once they begin menstruating or reach puberty (typically around age 11).

Q. Can PCOS impact your ability to become pregnant?

A. It could. It can prevent regular ovulation and lead to infertility as well as sub-fertility because it is a hormonal imbalance.

Q. Is there a cure for PCOS?

A. The answer is no. Depending on the symptoms, it can be managed with the proper treatment, but it cannot be cured. Many people with PCOS may find relief from their symptoms by losing weight and using the right supplements.

Q. How is PCOS diagnosed?

A. There is no actual test to identify PCOS. Your doctor will study your medical history, evaluate your physical symptoms, weight, and BMI, and make a diagnosis (body mass index). Your doctor will probably begin by asking you about your medical history, including any weight fluctuations and menstrual cycles. During a physical, the doctor will look for indications of acne, insulin resistance, and excessive hair growth.

Your Doctor Might Then Suggest:

Pelvic examination: Your reproductive organs are visibly and manually examined by the doctor for any lumps, growths, or other abnormalities.

Blood Test: Hormone levels in your blood may be assessed. This testing can rule out potential reasons for irregular menstruation or androgen excess that resembles PCOS. Blood tests may also evaluate fasting cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and glucose tolerance.

An Ultrasound: Your doctor examines the condition of your ovaries and the thickness of the uterine lining. Depending on your preference for the method of sonography, your vagina will either receive a transducer, which resembles a wand (transvaginal ultrasound) or you will receive a lower abdominal scan. Sound waves released by the transducer are converted into visuals on a computer screen. This indicates that for PCOS to be diagnosed, irregular periods and hyperandrogenism are required.

Before PCOS can be correctly diagnosed, your doctor must rule out a variety of other illnesses that could cause similar symptoms of irregular periods or no periods.

If you have PCOS, your doctor may suggest additional testing to search for any problems. These tests may consist of:

  • Blood pressure, glucose tolerance, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels should all be checked on a regular basis.
  • Depression and anxiety test
  • The obstructive sleep apnea test

Keeping all this in mind, this is how PCOS is diagnosed. So, if you think you have any of the above symptoms, get yourself checked for PCOS.

Q. What medical issues are you at risk for if you have PCOS?

A. PCOS sufferers have several long-term health hazards, including:•

  • Diabetes and Hypertension
  • Impaired tolerance to glucose
  • MI/CAD
  • Cancer of the uterus
  • High cholesterol and low HDL levels
  • Sleep apnea
  • Depression

To check for these concerns, people with PCOS should consult their doctor every year.

Q. Will reducing the extra weight help a person become pregnant if they are overweight?

A. There is no assurance that it will, but it might. Losing weight will likely aid in lowering insulin resistance, which may promote or result in ovulation. Conception would benefit from this. It can be sufficient to lose 10% of your body weight to improve symptoms.

Q. Is it true that PCOS can be cured via pregnancy?

A. Sadly, no. However, it is common for a PCOS patient to experience a halt in symptoms while expecting, and many people have reported improvement and more regular menstrual cycles after giving birth.

So, join the Cysterhood tribe and be an unstoppable warrior in the fight against PCOS because you Cysters are #StrongerThanPCOS .

Rochelle Rocque
Wellness, Beauty and Seasonal

Rochelle is a person who loves to learn and read new things. Writing is her way of communicating to the world, she writes what she feels. According to her writing is the best way to speak her mind.... Read More


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