Omega-3 fish oil supplements are essential to maintain overall health including our skin and hair but omega-3 is especially important during pregnancy. But with so many fishes in the sea of Omega-3 supplements, it is difficult to pick the right and the best omega-3 supplement for pregnancy in India. When looking for an Omega-3 supplement for pregnancy, it is also important to look at the EPA and DHA ratio present in them as they are also essential in pregnancy. With our seas and ocean being so polluted, the marine life in it has also become toxic with heavy metals which can lead to mercury and lead poisoning, so consuming seafood during pregnancy is limited. Vegan or vegetarian Omega-3 food for pregnancy, do not contain sufficient EPA and DHA in them. Hence, fish oil capsules are highly recommended and the best omega-3 supplement is Chicnutrix Mighty Omega as it is the better omega and why you ask? Well, here?s why-
Why pregnant women need Omega-3
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