Beauty sleep is for real when it comes to skin and hair

Many people think that beauty sleep is not real. It's a made up concept. But sleep is very important for our health. The human body repairs and recovers during the time you sleep. It is necessary to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night in order to look and feel healthy. If you sleep less than 6 hours, then it affects your skin and hair. Let us look at the benefits for the skin and hair that you get by sleeping enough.

Beauty sleep is for real when it comes to skin and hair

The Science Behind Beauty Sleep

Beauty sleep time period is when our body repairs and maintains the entire body including brain, immune system, metabolism and skin. Many biological processes happen during our sleep such as (1)

  • Muscle growth and repair
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Regulate stress hormones
  • Shed dead cells from the body

How does Beauty Sleep Benefits the Skin?

  • Fewer wrinkles

Skin makes collagen when you are sleeping and that makes the skin supple and youthful. With more collagen in the skin there are lesser chances of the skin sagging and wrinkling. Less sleep also makes the skin dry which makes the fine lines and wrinkles more visible.

One study suggests that sufficient sleep makes the immune system weak, which can impact the amount and strength of collagen (2).

  • You get a glowing complexion

When you sleep the body boosts the flow of blood to the skin. This helps to increase body temperature and repair damaged cells. As a result, you will wake up to a healthy glow. If you sleep less than your complexion will look ashen, drab or lifeless. Sleep deprivation causes a decrease in flow of blood to the skin around your face.

One research suggests that the body peak time for repairing skin cells damaged by exposure to UV sunlight is in the early morning (3).

  • Brighter and less puffy eyes

If you sleep less, then you will end up with bags or dark circles under the eyes. Puffy eyes are the first symptom of sleep deprivation. If you get enough sleep, then you will not get bags or dark circles around the eyes. It is also advisable to keep yourself hydrated and elevate your head with an extra pillow at night. That will also help to reduce the swelling below the eyes.

  • Less Breakouts

Clearer skin, more sleep. Even in adults, stress from sleep deprivation can result in pimples and blackheads. Researchers observed in one study that stressful situations, including test season, increased the frequency of breakouts among college students.

How does Beauty Sleep Benefits Hairs?

  • Prevents Hair Loss

Lack of sleep can cause hair loss. When you sleep less the blood flow slows down and hair does not get the nutrition that it requires, and this causes the hair to become weak and it has problems with growth as well. Hence adequate sleep helps to prevent hair loss and improves hair health. Lack of sleep also causes stress which in turn increases the level of cortisol causing you to lose hair.

  • Helps in Hair Growth

A proper sleep is necessary for the protein synthesis of the hair. It is also necessary for the release of growth hormones and enzymes which are needed for the overall health and growth of the hair. According to some studies people who maintain a regular sleep cycle have stronger hair as compared to people with irregular sleep cycle.

  • Improves Hair Quality

As we know our body produces collagen during sleep that not only helps the skin but also our hair. Collagen is very important for hair formation. It also helps to reduce breakage and damage to the hair. A lack of sleep prevents the body from making collagen and blood circulation in scalp affecting hair quality.


Strong hair and glowing skin are the two most important beauty indicators. Sleep plays an important role in improving both hair and skin health. It is important to get your beauty sleep, because it does end up making you more beautiful. Good quality and quantity of sleep not just makes your skin and hair better and healthier, but also makes you feel more fresh and energised.


1. What exactly is beauty sleep?

A beauty sleep is nothing but your regular sleep that helps you enhance your beauty. Many health experts recommend adequate sleep as a measure to improve your skin and hair health.

2. How many hours is a beauty sleep?

According to the national sleep foundation seven to nine hours of sleep is necessary for every adult.

3. Can sleep improve skin?

Yes, sleep improves skin by repairing dead skin cells, enhancing skin glow and making skin even toned.

4. Is sleeping late bad for skin?

Sleeping late might not be bad for skin, but inadequate sleep can negatively impact your skin health.

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