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New Launch Chicnutrix Mighty Collagen

Published : March 27, 2023 11 mins read Updated On : Mar 22, 2024

Collagen is the latest buzzword. It has gained popularity in the beauty world for its effects on reversing your skin's age. But there is more to collagen. It can not only make you look youthful, but also ˜feel' youthful. If you are one of those living under a rock, this blog is for you as we have decoded all that collagen can do.

What is Collagen?

One-third of the protein in the human body is collagen. It is a type of fibrous protein that aids in the formation of bones, skin, ligaments, and muscles. It serves as the structural framework for your bones and skin. The body's collagen helps keep the skin looking young and supple, your joints moving smoothly, and your bones strong.

Collagen is more accurately described as the glue that ties your body together. Collagen is an amino acid that contains glycine, proline, arginine, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids help with various critical functions, including gut health, immunity, wound healing, heart and liver health, and skin care.

marine collagen

Types of Collagen:

Collagen can be of five types: I, II, III, IV and V. Each type has its own set of advantages for the body. Here's a quick rundown of each!

Type I collagen:

The most frequent kind of collagen in the body is type I. It can be found in the skin, hair, nails, and connective tissues. It is essential for wound healing and tissue recovery.

Type II collagen:

The most common form of collagen present in cartilage is type II collagen. It promotes joint health and reduces joint pain and inflammation.

Type III collagen:

Type III collagen is a fibrillar collagen. It is present in skeletal muscles, bones, and blood vessels. It is essential for tissue development and regeneration.

Type IV collagen:

Type IV collagen is found in the gut lining and aids in the maintenance of gut health. It also aids in the prevention of food allergies.

Type V collagen:

This type of collagen is located in the retinal tissues of the eye and aids in the preservation of vision health.

What causes collagen to decrease in the body:

Age: collagen reserves usually decline as we age (particularly by the time we reach our twenties), and we manufacture less each year. Collagen depletes quicker than humans can generate it around the age of 40. By 60 and beyond, most of our collagen has been fully exhausted.

UV Exposure: there is an established correlation between UV exposure (sunlight over time) and collagen loss. UV exposure causes DNA changes in collagen-producing cells. It creates free radicals, which can directly damage collagen via oxidative stress.

Smoking: tobacco use reduces the amount of oxygen given to tissues. As a result, tissue cannot repair and is more likely to become injured and die. The oxidative stress of chemicals in tobacco smoke can lead to premature wrinkles. One research on twins discovered that smokers had more wrinkles, crow's feet, and facial lines than non-smokers.

Diet: inflammatory diets, which frequently contain high-sugar, simple carbohydrates, and processed meat, activate the immune system and promote inflammation throughout the body. This may obstruct healing, including the repair of environmentally damaged skin cells. Sugar, in particular, can be detrimental to collagen. High sugar levels can cause collagen stiffening and fragmentation, weakening the skin's barrier and increasing premature skin ageing.

Stress: stress also causes an increase in hormones such as cortisol, which has been shown in studies to reduce collagen production. A study suggests, "Less collagen is made in high-stress circumstances because more of the body's resources are required to counteract stress and the inflammation it creates". Kucharz, E. J. (1988). Hormonal control of collagen metabolism. Part II. Endocrinologie, 26(4), 229-237. (hyperlink this please)

Genetics: genetics have a significant role in determining how much collagen your body produces and breaks down. So, if your parents and grandparents have had great-looking skin for years, you probably will too. Of course, you have no control over this, so focusing on things you can control, like diet, stress management, and UV protection is advised.

Menopause: in the first five years after menopause, up to 30% of skin collagen is lost, followed by around 2% yearly for the next 20 years.

Different Sources of collagen:

Collagen is plentiful in animal products since it is a component of connective tissues. Some plants, however, contain collagen as well.

Bovine Collagen: bovine collagen is a common collagen source from bovine animals, most typically cows. It's typically created from farm by-products, including bone, cartilage, and hide. Bovine collagen is high in types I and III collagen. It is most similar to the collagen found in the human body.

Bone Broth: bone broth is created by cooking”well, bones”in water for several hours. As a result, nutrients such as glycine and collagen are removed from the bones. The bones are then removed, leaving you with a nutrient-dense, collagen-rich soup.

To increase the nutritious value of soups and stews, use bone broth for regular broth (bone broth is an excellent immune-boosting soup ingredient). You can also drink it on its own as a hot beverage.

Eggs: you're probably aware that eggs contain a lot of protein, but did you know that egg whites are exceptionally high in the amino acids glycine and proline, both of which are required by the body to produce collagen.

Consuming eggs daily might supply your body with the building blocks for collagen. So, however you enjoy your eggs, know that they are helping you achieve the youthful skin of your dreams!

Spirulina: it is another collagen-rich food to be aware of. In truth, the algae spirulina is a lesser-known source of gelatine. Spirulina is high in plant-based protein, which implies it includes amino acids. Which amino acids, you might wonder? That's right, it's glycine and proline, which, as previously stated, make up collagen. Spirulina can be purchased in powder or pill form.

Fish/ Marine Collagen: in contrast to bovine collagen, marine collagen is a complete supply of Collagen Types I, II, III, and IV, supporting the health of your hair, skin, nails, and bones. It contains smaller collagen peptides that help digest it more efficiently, allowing you to feel and notice the natural rejuvenation effects even faster. It is not only easier to digest, but it is also more environmentally friendly than bovine collagen.

What to look for in Collagen Supplements:

Source of collagen: knowing where your collagen supplement comes from is critical. Collagen supplements can be derived from either animal or marine life. When compared to animal collagen, marine collagen is substantially more expensive. It is easy to digest, absorb, and distribute in the body owing to its amino acid composition and tiny molecular size. Because of the increased bioavailability, your body will feel and see the difference.

Added antioxidant vitamin: collagen supplements are available in various formulations filled with the right ingredients and vitamins. These substances increase collagen absorption in the body while also providing targeted results. A collagen supplement mixed with Biotin and vitamin C can help your skin tremendously.

Smell and taste: when it comes to quality, following your nose will lead you to the best collagen. The best collagen powders have no fishy or foul taste or odour. If you are not careful, the scent or strange flavour of collagen may prevent you from consuming it regularly. A well-crafted Collagen supplement can be a culinary delight.

Look for the word "Peptide" or "Hydrolysed": collagen peptides, also known as hydrolysed collagen, are pieces of animal-derived collagen that have been hydrolysed. When collagen is hydrolysed, it becomes more bioavailable, which means the body absorbs it more effectively.

What is Chicnutrix Mighty Collagen:

Mighty collagen from Chicnutrix is crafted with 8g Japanese Marine Collagen Peptide and 2mg AstaReal® Astaxanthin for healthy ageing. It helps provide strong support & protection to skin, hair, nails, bones & joints.

Mighty collagen helps:

¢ Reduce wrinkles, fine lines & sagging skin

¢ Keep the scalp & hair follicles healthy

¢ Promote nail growth and maintain healthy & strong nails

¢ Maintain healthy and strong bone & joint health

Japanese Marine Collagen Peptide: marine collagen is a natural protein in fish and other aquatic tissues. It is a kind of collagen with distinct properties, such as a high water-binding capacity.

Pros of Japanese Marine Collagen:

Higher bioavailability: the most significant advantage of marine collagen is that it is the most bioavailable of all collagen forms. It digests 1.5 times faster and more efficiently than other kinds of collagen.

Clean: when wild-caught, it is the purest sort of collagen available. Wild-caught marine collagen is generally thought to be the safest and best type. As with any nutritional supplement, finding the cleanest and healthiest one available is critical because your body will immediately absorb it.

Pescatarian friendly: it is suitable for pescatarians and people who cannot take meat for some reason. Except vegans and people with fish allergies, this makes an excellent choice for anyone.

Best skin supplement: marine collagen is the most significant type of collagen to take for skin beautification and strengthening; whether for wrinkles, glowing skin, or improved skin elasticity. Similarly, it is thought to be the best collagen for medical applications such as wound healing.

Astaxanthin: Astaxanthin is all about our favourite tiny workers 'antioxidants', and this one is THOUSANDS of times more potent than vitamin C. The most concentrated natural form of astaxanthin is Haematococcus pluvialis algae. In one of the studies, it protected 95% of skin cells & restored 80% of collagen production after oxidative damage caused by environmental damage like UV rays, pollution, dust, etc.

The power duo:

With benefits like these, Astaxanthin and Marine Collagen are an unbeatable combo. These two skincare superpowers go together better than peanut butter and jelly because they can operate together in an effective formula by combining the active components astaxanthin and marine collagen.

Mighty Collagen is Expert Approved, has Zero Sugar, is Non-GMO, and guarantees No Fishy Burps/Aftertaste. It is Kosher Certified, Halal Certified, GMP Certified, Mercury Free, and Sustainably sourced.

It comes in a refreshing lemonade flavour.

How to use:

¢ Scoop - Add One Scoop in approx 250 ml water.

¢ Stir - Mix well to dissolve.

¢ Cheers - Drink towards a Younger You!

Benefits of Marine Collagen:


Collagen is a significant element in anti-ageing and anti-wrinkle in cosmetic treatments since it aids in the reduction of wrinkles, fine lines, and sun damage. Because it contains glycine and proline, amino acids that assist in eliminating wrinkles and filling the skin from the inside out, this collagen is beneficial for anti-ageing. This is especially beneficial for those wishing to look youthful without undergoing invasive treatments or spending a fortune on skincare products.


The ability of the skin to retain moisture can be used to determine its health. Fish collagen is a moisturising ingredient in various skincare products, such as moisturisers, serums, and creams. When your skin is moisturised, it is more supple, which makes it appear younger and healthier. The moisturising effects of marine collagen are twofold: it provides the much-needed moisture to your skin while also acting as a barrier against harmful factors. Fish collagen is a potent antioxidant that can help to minimise the look of sun damage while also preventing new damage. It helps to improve your skin's health.

Skin elasticity:

Anti-ageing may not sound as thrilling, but it is equally crucial. The term "anti-ageing" is frequently used to describe the gradual elimination of wrinkles and fine lines. Skin elasticity, on the other hand, refers to the skin's ability to recover from damage or injury. The less damage your skin sustains, the less likely it is to degrade.

In addition, fish collagen can be used topically to minimise the appearance of stretch marks and scars produced by accident or surgery. This collagen can assist in reversing the effects of ageing on the exterior and inside of the skin by boosting suppleness, giving you younger-looking skin.

Joint and bone health:

Staying active is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Still, it may tax some sections of our anatomy, particularly our joints and bones. When we push ourselves too hard or fail to help our bodies heal, we might cause long-term damage. After the age of 20, your body's production of collagen diminishes. As a result, the chance of injury, joint condition, or arthritis increases. The amino acid mix in collagen supplements stimulates collagen synthesis in cartilage and other tissues. Collagen peptides help reduce inflammation and thicken the membrane to reduce joint pain.

Collagen for nails:

Nails might become weak as a result of ordinary wear and tear as well as poor manicure habits. Among the stresses of everyday life, the benefits of collagen for nails include moisturising the nail bed and cuticles and acting as a brittle nail supplement to replenish keratin. As a result, your nails will grow longer, faster, and more robust.

Collagen for hair:

Collagen also contributes to great hair by promoting a healthy environment where hair can grow longer and thicker.

Collagen surrounds and strengthens the hair follicles, locking the hair in at the roots to control hair fall and keep hair strands in place. The benefits of marine collagen for hair begin to manifest at the scalp. You can aid in creating an optimal environment for healthy hair development by replenishing collagen levels.

Collagen for Acne:

Acne-causing bacteria can harm your skin tissue and degrade the structure of cells in the skin's lower layers. Collagen, the most abundant protein in the dermal layer, is required for structural matrix repair and strengthening. Furthermore, if you burst an acne, it will need to heal like any other cut, and collagen plays a crucial role in wound healing. Hence collagen is great for people with acne-prone skin.

The secrete to looking and feeling youthful is now out. Chicnutrix Mighty Collagen helps you have mighty benefits for your body without compromising on the taste. Now having great skin and healthy joints is just a scoop away!

Aaliya Virani
Beauty, Nutrition and Wellness

Aaliya is a sucker for reading articles on the latest trends and nutritional fads which only make her blogs a great read. She has a knack for busting myths and separating facts from fiction that he... Read More


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