If all the beauty influencers have convinced you to start your early journey towards the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles, then we would like to confirm that those wrinkle doomsday propagandas are very real!
However, do not panic just yet as it isn't something that will happen overnight. Aging is a completely natural and inevitable process, but several external and internal factors can lead to early signs of aging for a lot of people, these signs can be prevented or minimized with simple skincare products such as Retinoids.
While they are easily available in the market, choosing the right retinoid ingredient may be a tricky decision. This is why we have compiled a guide with the complete information you will need to start your skincare for anti-aging with retinoids.
Retinoids are potent derivatives of vitamin A that are amongst the most effective substances against slowing the aging process. Vitamin A is a part of a group that is fat soluble substances from which retinoids are derived. Vitamin A is amongst the first vitamins to be approved by the FDA for its exceptional properties as an anti-wrinkling agent (1).
Retinoids, as we have previously stated, is an umbrella term for the class of molecules that bind to retinoic acid receptors. It comes with a variety of ingredients, and it is essential to choose the right one in your skincare routine:
1. Retinoic Acid
Retinoic acid is synthesized from retinol through a process called enzymatic reaction:
• The first reaction is the reversible oxidation of retinol to the retina.
• Followed by an irreversible oxidation reaction towards the retinoic acid.
Retinoic acid breaks down to be utilized by the skin for skin cell turnover, collagen stimulation and elastin production. It also improves hyperpigmentation and discolouration. Prescription retinoids contain retinoic acid while the OTC retinoids gradually convert to retinoic acid through the enzymatic reactions that occur within the skin.
2. Retinol
Retinol is used to treat anti-aging and acne; you can buy it over the counter. It can be directly applied to the skin and comes in many forms including:
• Cream
• Gels
• Lotion
• Serums
• Ointment
Retinol increases the production of skin cells that can help regenerate the skin to a more youthful and smoother appearance. Topical Retinol products including tretinoin and tazarotene can help improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles by slowing down the collagen breakdown and enhancing the skin's elasticity.
If you are wondering what is better, retinol or retinoids? Then you need to take into consideration that retinoid is stronger than retinol, but for beginners, if you have sensitive or dry skin go for retinol and if you have oily skin and have used retinoids before then retinoid is a better choice.
Retinoids belong to a group of compounds that are derived from Vitamin A. It has excellent anti-aging properties that when applied to the skin can interact with specific receptors and lead to a cascade of beneficial effects.
The aging of skin is an intricate process that consists of two types:
• Intrinsic or chronological aging is an inevitable and natural process of aging in the body
• Photoaging refers to premature aging of the skin due to external factors.
Photoaging can be treated by retinoids as it is potent enough to reverse/prevent the effects of aging.
The anti-wrinkle properties of retinoids help promote keratinocytes (cells found on the outermost layer of skin) proliferation, strengthen the protective function of the epidermis (superficial layer of skin) and restrain the skin from having any water loss while protecting the collagen against degradation.
Collagen is an essential protein that is produced by the body and is the main structural protein that is found in the skin, bone and tendon. It is considered one of the most useful biomaterials. As we age, our body's ability to naturally produce collagen decreases which leads to fine lines and wrinkles, however, retinoids can stimulate collagen synthesis that can make the skin appear plumper and more youthful.
The epidermis (superficial skin layer) regenerates throughout our lives. In humans, the epidermis turns over every 40-56 days. Until you reach your early 30s, the cells turn over every 28 days and reveal a layer of fresh, healthy and pristine skin.
However, post your mid-30s, the skin cell turnover begins to slow down for a cycle of 50-70 days. This decline leads to dryer, dull and wrinkled skin. Retinoids can help accelerate the process of skin cell turnover which can regenerate the skin back to its smoother, plump look quicker. This process takes up to 3-6 months of consistent application for reduction in photodamage, fine lines, wrinkles and acne.
Additionally, retinoids have also been shown to be beneficial for acne as they have anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in unclogging pores, reduces inflammation and regulates oil production that helps reduce acne. However, it's essential to note that retinoids can be quite potent and may lead to certain initial skin irritation. Start with a lower concentration before moving up the usage to allow the skin to get used to it. Also, always remember to wear sunscreen (a non-negotiable) during the day when using retinoids as it tends to make your skin more sensitive to the sun.
Amongst all the anti-aging products out their retinoids are the most promising and highly potent. Retinoids help skin look younger by increasing the collagen production which reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It is also helpful in unclogging pores. It requires patience as it can be difficult for first-time users. The results can take up to 6 months or up to a year.
1. How do retinoids work for wrinkles?
Retinoids help to reduce wrinkles by increasing collagen production, exfoliating the skin, and unclogging pores.
2. Does retinol reduce signs of aging?
Yes, retinol reduces the signs of aging.
3. Will wrinkles come back if you stop using retinol?
Yes, wrinkles can come back if you stop using retinol.
4. Can retinoids tighten skin?
Yes, retinoid helps to tighten the skin.
5. How long does retinol take to reduce wrinkles?
It can take up to 3 to 6 months for retinoids to reduce wrinkles.
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