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Tips To Prevent UTIs In Summer

Published : May 24, 2023 10 mins read Updated On : Mar 22, 2024

Gather round, curious readers, and get ready to uncover a little-known seasonal secret! Many people associate the cold winter months with the flu and spring with pesky allergies. But what about the summer months? It’s time to shine the summer light on the lesser-known seasonal connection that we tend to overlook - the summer UTI spike. This blog will explain why this occurs and what you can do to avoid getting a UTI this summer.

Tips To Prevent UTIs In Summer

What Is Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that can affect any part of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. Bacteria enter the urinary tract and grow, causing inflammation and pain.

The Major Cause Of UTI

Bacteria, notably Escherichia coli (E. coli), are the primary cause of the majority of UTIs. While other types of bacteria can cause UTI, E. coli is the most common cause 90% of the time.

Coli is not usually present in the urinary tract. Because these bacteria live in your intestine and anus, they come from outside the body and can easily infiltrate the urinary tract.

A small number of bacteria in the urethra does not generally produce an infection because urine does not allow them to travel up into the urinary system. When you urinate, the flow simply flushes away any E. coli that may have entered the urethra. Furthermore, your urine is typically acidic, too acidic for bacteria to survive.

When a significant number of bacteria enter your urethra, they can overpower your natural defences and cause a UTI.

Who Can Get A UTI?

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) can occur in both men and women. However, UTI is common in women and people with vaginas. In fact, females and people with vaginas are 30 times more likely than males to have UTIs. Furthermore, a large proportion of women and people with vaginas (27%), will experience recurrent UTIs (defined as at least two UTIs within six months).

Women Are More Vulnerable Than Men For Two Reasons:

  • Their urethras are shorter.
  • The proximity of female urethras to the anus

In both circumstances, UTI-causing bacteria have an easier time entering the urinary system.

UTI in pregnant women: Pregnant women are more likely than the general population to experience UTIs. This is primarily due to hormonal changes, increased bladder volume, and decreased urinary tract tone during pregnancy, all of which can make germs enter and multiply in the urinary system easier.

How To Know If You Have UTI: Symptoms

  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Passing regular but small amounts of urine
  • Strong-smelling urine
  • Urine that’s cloudy, pink, or dark coloured
  • Pain in your lower abdomen
  • Fever or chills
  • Match Made in Summer:

Summer leads to a rise in UTIs. Experts have a couple of theories up their sleeves.

One of the theories is that bacteria and germs flourish in warm, humid environments, which means they have more opportunities to create infection. It’s like a summer party for the bacteria, and unfortunately, they’re inviting themselves into our urinary tracts.

But that’s not all - dehydration is also more common in the summer. When it’s hot and sweaty outside, it’s easy to forget to drink enough water, leading to dehydration. Most of the time, bacteria get cleaned out of your urinary tract when you pee. However, if you’re dehydrated, you won’t pee as often, plus the summer sweat paves the path to getting a UTI.

Picture this: you’re at the beach, feeling like a Baywatch babe in your new bikini. But wait, can staying in your wet bathing suit increase your chances of getting a UTI? Unfortunately, the answer is yes, but don’t blame the bikini!

Bacteria love a wet, moist, and warm environment. It’s like a tropical vacation for them, and they’re happy to set up shop anywhere they can. If you’re lounging around in a wet bathing suit for a long time it’s prime time for bacteria to sneak their way onto your clothes and spread in a moist environment.

Urinary Tract Infections Spike in Summer: Tips to keep you Safe

Stay Hydrated: Staying Hydrated by drinking enough fluids is an easy and efficient approach to avoiding a UTI this summer. Drinking enough water dilutes your urine and ensures you are urinating frequently, allowing bacteria to be washed out of your urinary system. Monitor the colour of your urine to determine if you’re dehydrated. A well-hydrated person will have pee that is light yellow and nearly clear. If you find it becoming darker, you should drink extra water. A person should drink about two litres of water every day on average. This recommendation increases to two and a half litres in the summer, so drink up! You can also incorporate water-based foods like watermelon, cucumber, oranges, lettuce, soups and broths.

Don’t Hold Your Bladder: Holding your bladder for an extended amount of time, especially if you’re out enjoying outdoor activities, can raise your risk of acquiring a UTI. When you hold your bladder, bacteria have more time to multiply, increasing the likelihood of infection. So, make sure to find a restroom and empty your bladder at intervals.

Avoid Wearing Tight Garments or Swimwear: We’re not saying you can’t have your Baywatch moments. Not at all! However, once you’ve finished your aquatic adventures, it’s a good idea to change into a new suit or dry pants to avoid UTIs. One can also opt for breathable fabrics like cotton and loose-fitting clothing to keep feel dry & cool this summer.

Wipe The Right Way: This is probably advice you’ve heard since you were toilet-trained – and for a good reason! This one is more focused on prevention. Wipe from front to back after using the loo to minimise bacteria’s access to the urethra.

Urinate Shortly Following Intercourse: It is unavoidable that bacteria from your partner may enter your urethra during sexual intercourse. As a result, sexual activity is a common cause of urinary tract infections. When you consider the heat and humidity of summer, your chances of having a UTI after intercourse increase even further. Urinate as soon as possible so that your body can clear out any harmful bacteria that could have entered.

Avoid Scented Products: The average pH balance of the vagina can be disrupted by scented feminine products, sprays, douches, and lubricants, making it more difficult for the good bacteria that defend the body to continue their protective role. The reason for this is that these products frequently contain harsh chemicals and scents that can irritate the delicate vaginal tissue and alter the normal flora. Instead, stick to gentle, unscented products that are specifically formulated for use in the vaginal area.

Diet: Bladder irritants include highly acidic foods, artificial sweeteners, coffee, and alcohol, which can all irritate the bladder and cause leaks. And if you already have a UTI, they may aggravate your condition.

Consume Probiotic-Rich Foods: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help maintain a healthy balance of good bacteria in the gut and urinary tract. Foods rich in probiotics include kefir, yoghurt, sauerkraut, and kimchi.

Include Anti-inflammatory Foods: Foods with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation and discomfort associated with UTIs. Some examples include turmeric, ginger, and green leafy vegetables.

Keep Your Diabetes Under Control: Make sure your blood sugar levels are under control if you have diabetes. Bacteria enjoy the taste of sweet urine.

How To Ease The Pain?

If your UTI is causing pain or discomfort in your bladder or pelvic area, use a warm washcloth, heating pad or a hot water bottle to apply heat there. You may also want to take a warm bath to help reduce pain and relax your muscles. Along with doing all of this, use Chicnutrix Happee, it will help mitigate UTI-associated pain, treat UTIs and prevent recurrent UTIs. What is Chicnutrix Happee and how does it help with UTIs is explained below.

Chicnutrix Happee For Natural UTI Management This Summer:

Antibiotic resistance is a growing concern in the medical world. Antibiotic overuse and misuse can result in the development of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, making it harder to treat infections. When it comes to UTIs, taking antibiotics frequently can contribute to this resistance.

Moreover, antibiotics can have side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and allergic reactions. Taking antibiotics for an extended period can also cause an imbalance in the gut microbiome, leading to other health problems like yeast infections. Additionally, antibiotics do not discriminate between good and bad bacteria and can kill off beneficial bacteria that help maintain the body’s natural defences.

People might have recurrent UTIs, which means they get UTIs more than three times a year (about every three months). In such cases treating UTI with antibiotics can lead to overdose and is also quite harmful to your kidney.

Take charge of your urinary tract’s well-being and invest in its health with Chicnutrix Happee! This natural supplement is designed to tackle UTIs with a potent formula that features clinically studied ingredients. Thanks to Swiss Effervescent Technology, you can be sure that these powerful ingredients are delivered quickly and effectively to your body. Say goodbye to UTI worries and hello to a happy urinary tract with Chicnutrix Happee!

Chicnutrix Happee is Vegan Friendly, Non-GMO, Gluten-free, Lactose-free, Soy-free, and approved by experts and is available in a delicious Strawberry flavour. The pack contains 20 effervescent tablets (2x10)

It helps:

  • Cleanse & protect the urinary tract
  • Flush out toxins & bacteria
  • Relieve pain & burning sensation
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Prevent UTI & recurrent UTI

Triple Action Formula To Manage UTI At Home - Ingredients


Ursolia is a novel ingredient from natural sage leaf extracts. Ursolic acid, along with oleanolic acid, is the principal ingredient of Ursolia and is primarily responsible for assisting in the management of UTIs. It has anti-inflammatory properties that helps reduce pain and discomfort associated with a UTI. It works by inhibiting the production of inflammatory compounds in the body, which can cause pain, swelling, and redness. Ursolia® also has antimicrobial properties. By reducing inflammation and fighting off bacteria, Ursolia ® provides relief from UTI symptoms such as pain, burning sensation while peeing, and pelvic discomfort.

Cranberry with 50% PACs

Cranberry is rich in vitamin C and contains a flavonoid called Proanthocyanidins A (PACs), which is a potent antioxidant. When it comes to UTIs, PACs are particularly important as they help prevent bacteria, especially E. coli, from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract.

Bacteria have hair-like structures called fimbriae that allow them to adhere to the cells in the urinary tract. When PACs are present in the urine, they prevent these structures from sticking to the wall of the urinary tract. As a result, bacteria are unable to colonise and can be safely flushed out of the body during urination.

D – Mannose

D-Mannose is a fruit sugar that is naturally produced by the body but in small amounts. When D-mannose is consumed by an individual with UTI, it is absorbed very slowly in the GI tract and is not readily converted to glycogen, like other sugars, for storage in the body. Instead, it passes directly into the bloodstream.

D-mannose-rich blood passes through the kidneys, where D-mannose is extracted from the blood and added to the urine. When the D-mannose-laden urine passes through the urinary tract, it leaves behind a layer of D-mannose lining the cell wall of the urinary tract and bladder.

When harmful bacteria enter the urinary tract, they adhere to the layer of D-Mannose. On urination, D-Mannose and bacteria attached to it are removed from the bladder and urinary tract. This reduces and eliminates the infection.

Chcinutrix Happee for UTI treatment and prevention is easy to use. Just pop one tablet into a glass of water (around 250ml), wait for it to dissolve completely, and cheers to peeing happee! It's best to take it after a meal and not on an empty stomach. For active UTI, take 1-2 tablets a day for 30 days, and for UTI recurrent prevention, take one tablet daily for 30 days every three months. These tablets won't interfere with blood circulation, have no added sugar, and are safe for diabetic people and pregnant women.

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, not for dealing with uncomfortable UTIs. Stay hydrated, practice good hygiene & incorporate Chicnutrix Happee, the Natural UTI Management supplement. With these tips and Happee on your side, you can pee happy all summer long!

Aaliya Virani
Beauty, Nutrition and Wellness

Aaliya is a sucker for reading articles on the latest trends and nutritional fads which only make her blogs a great read. She has a knack for busting myths and separating facts from fiction that he... Read More


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