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AMLA- Phyllanthus emblica

Published : July 2, 2021 4 mins read Updated On : Jul 25, 2024

One of the best popular Vitamin C rich foods is Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry, is a fibrous sour fruit eaten in many parts of India. It is also regarded as the King of Superfruits. It has been widely used in Ayurveda in many preparations. It is a nourishing fruit that aids in enhanced nutrient absorption, helps neutralizing gastric acids, and improves brain functions. It also is a very rich source of vitamin C.

Amla Scientific Name and Family

Amla, scientifically known as Phyllanthus emblica or Emblica officinalis, belongs to the Phyllanthaceae family. It is also commonly referred to as Indian gooseberry.

Amla in Ayurveda

Ayurveda has been utilizing properties of amla as a cooling, astringent, digestive, laxative, and stomach medicine. It also has anti-pyretic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. It has numerous therapeutic effects acting on various organs and systems, it has been found to aid in problems ranging from chest diseases such as cough, asthma, and bronchitis, digestive ailments like dyspepsia, hyperacidity and ulcers and anemia, jaundice, diabetes, bleeding conditions, eye diseases, allergic and other skin problems to gynecological problems.

Nutrition Composition of Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica)

Health Benefits of Amla

Helps to Improve immune Health

Amla boosts the immune system through its high vitamin C content, which enhances white blood cell function. A single amla contains approximately 600–800% of the Daily Value (DV) for this vitamin (1). It also contains antioxidants, such as flavonoids and polyphenols, that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation. Additionally, amla's antimicrobial properties help protect against infections, while its support for overall health and detoxification further strengthens immune defenses. Moreover, vitamin C can strengthen your immune system by encouraging the proliferation of phagocytes, specialised immune cells that eliminate harmful invaders.

Helps to Improve Skin Health

Amla, being one of the best Vitamin C sources, is known to be a potent antioxidant and aids in reducing wrinkles, fine lines, spots and uneven skin tone. It helps in making our skintight and firm. It helps in cell regrowth. Amla, due to its effective detoxifying properties, helps in digestion thereby removing toxins from the body giving us a good complexion. In addition to its antioxidant activity, Indian gooseberry may help prevent the breakdown of collagen, which forms the firm but flexible protein matrix in your skin and soft tissues (2).

Helps to Improve Hair Health

Vitamin C deficiency often leads to loss of hair leaving it brittle and damaged. Amla is known to prevent premature greying. Premature greying is caused by free radical damage (deficiency of vitamin C) caused to the mealnocytes (cells which produce melanin a pigment responsible for the colouring of skin and hair). Amla is known to contain various bioflavonoids, polyphenols which help in preventing destruction of these melanocytes (3).

Helps to Improve Heart Health

One of the most common medicinal uses of amla (phyllanthus emblica) is to improve heart health. Here is how amla helps to improve heart health

Antioxidant Properties: Amla is rich in antioxidants, which reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, protecting heart tissues from damage.

Cholesterol Management: It helps lower bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing good HDL cholesterol levels, promoting better lipid profiles.

Blood Pressure Regulation: The high vitamin C and polyphenol content in amla help improve blood vessel function, aiding in blood pressure regulation.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Amla’s anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the cardiovascular system, lowering the risk of heart disease (4).

Improved Blood Circulation: Amla enhances blood circulation by strengthening blood vessels and preventing plaque buildup in arteries.

Helps to Improve Digestion

Amla improves digestion by stimulating gastric juice secretion, enhancing nutrient absorption. Its high fiber content aids bowel movement, preventing constipation. Additionally, amla's anti-inflammatory properties soothe the digestive tract, reducing symptoms of gastritis and other digestive disorders.

Advantages of Using Natural Amla Extract Over Synthetic Ascorbic Acid.

Whole Food Benefits: Amla extract provides a range of nutrients and bioactive compounds, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins, which offer synergistic health benefits beyond vitamin C alone.

Better Absorption: The natural matrix of amla may enhance the bioavailability and absorption of vitamin C compared to synthetic ascorbic acid.

Antioxidant Power: Amla contains multiple antioxidants, offering broader protection against oxidative stress and inflammation than synthetic ascorbic acid.

Additional Health Benefits: Beyond immune support, amla supports heart health, digestion, and skin health, providing a more comprehensive health boost.

Fewer Additives: Natural amla extract is less likely to contain artificial additives, preservatives, or fillers found in synthetic supplements.


Amla is one of the healthiest fruits to include in your daily diet. It has multiple health benefits from fulfilling your vitamin C daily requirement to improving your immune system, skin, hair and digestion. Vitamin C supplements with natural amla extract are best for daily consumption if you want to enjoy all the benefits of amla.


1. What are the benefits of amla?

Amla, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, boosts immunity, improves digestion, enhances skin and hair health, supports heart health, regulates blood sugar, and has anti-inflammatory properties. It also aids in detoxification and promotes overall wellness.

2. What disease does amla cure?
Amla helps manage diabetes, heart disease, and digestive disorders. It supports liver health, reduces inflammation, and boosts immunity, aiding in prevention and management of various illnesses.

3. Can amla be used as an energiser?

Yes, amla can be used as an energizer due to its high vitamin C content, which helps combat fatigue and boost energy levels by supporting metabolism and improving nutrient absorption. 


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