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Calcium Supplements: What are They? What are Their Benefits and Why Do You Need Them?

Published : September 3, 2021 4 mins read Updated On : Oct 11, 2024

Calcium is essential for building strong, dense bones when you're young and keeping them strong and healthy as you age. Your body can derive calcium through foods like milk, yogurt, etc. However, due to our fast-paced lifestyle, we are getting an insufficient amount of calcium through our diets. Hence, many individuals need to take calcium supplements to fortify their bones.

But are these calcium supplements really necessary? Who should take them? What are the risks? These are some of the frequently asked questions when it comes to calcium supplements. This article discloses what you need to grasp about calcium supplements, including who should take them, their benefits, and their side effects.

What is the Daily Calcium Requirement?

Here is the daily calcium dosage per day for different age groups (1).

¢ 0 - 6 months: 200 mg
¢ 7-12 months: 260 mg
¢ 1-3 years: 700 mg
¢ 4-8 years: 1000 mg
¢ 9-18 years: 1300 mg
¢ 19 - 50 years: 1000 mg
¢ 51 -70 years: 1000 mg for men and 1200 mg for ladies
¢ 71 years and above: 1200 mg

What are Calcium Supplements?

Calcium supplements are wellness supplements that are designed to provide calcium to your body which helps to fulfill your daily calcium requirements and reduce calcium deficiency. They are available in tablets or capsule format which can be taken daily after any meal.

Benefits of Calcium Supplements?

¢ Helps to Improve Bone Health

Calcium supplements help to strengthen bones and maintain bone density by replacing lost calcium from the bones.

¢ Helps to Prevent Bone Related Injuries

A deficiency of calcium can make bones susceptible to injuries and breakage. Calcium supplements make the bones stronger and prevent them from breaking and causing injuries.

¢ Helps to Prevent Osteoarthritis

As we age calcium from our bones starts to deplete. This can lead to a condition called osteoarthritis. Taking calcium supplements can help to prevent osteoarthritis and its symptoms.

Benefits of Calcium Supplements Beyond Bone Health

¢ They assist with preventing bone loss in postmenopausal ladies.
¢ They assist with fat loss.
¢ They might assist with bringing down the danger of colon cancer.
¢ They might help in working on metabolic markers.

Calcium supplements are prescribed to be taken with vitamin D to work on the absorption of calcium in your body. But with benefits come risks too.

Why is Calcium Supplementation Necessary?

At the point when your calcium intake is inadequate, your body will eliminate calcium from your bones, making them feeble and fragile. This can cause osteoporosis in both men and women. Women are at a higher danger of osteoporosis, because they tend to have smaller, thinner bones than men and estrogen decreases rapidly when women reach menopause, which causes bone loss. This is why women are at a higher danger of osteoporosis and should consider taking supplements. Especially those women reaching menopause.

When a woman is pregnant, the developing baby requires calcium to build strong bones and teeth. Calcium can aid in the development of a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles, as well as a proper heart rhythm and blood clotting in the child. If the woman doesn't get enough calcium through her diet, the baby will draw it from her bones which may impair her health later. So pregnant ladies should consider taking calcium supplements for their health as well as the health of their developing baby.

Who Should Take Calcium Supplements?

¢ People who follow a vegan diet.
¢ People who do not consume dairy products or lactose intolerant.
¢ People who have a high protein or high sodium diet, which might make your body discharge more calcium.
¢ People who have an ailment that restricts their body's capacity to ingest calcium, like Crohn's disease or provocative gut illness.
¢ People who are being treated with Corticosteroids throughout an extensive period.
¢ People who have Osteoporosis.


Calcium is the most abandoned mineral in the body and all of it is stored in the bones and teeth. Calcium plays a major role in bone health, muscle contraction and weight management. Although there are a variety of foods that are rich in calcium, it can be difficult to fulfill daily calcium requirements only through diet. Also, as we age calcium levels in the body starts to decrease. Calcium supplements are ideal to improve your bone health. Calcium supplements with added vitamin D are the best calcium tablets. Vitamin D helps to improve calcium absorption. Calcium and Vitamin D tablets are the ideal solution for bone health.


1. Why is it important to take calcium supplements?

Calcium supplements help to fulfill daily calcium requirements and improve your bone health.

2. What are the 5 benefits of calcium?

Five benefits of calcium are:

¢ Improves bone strength

¢ Helps in bone mineralization
¢ Prevents symptoms of osteoarthritis
¢ Helps in muscle contraction
¢ Helps prevent bone loss in postmenopausal women

3. Who needs a calcium supplement?

The following people needs a calcium supplement
¢ People who are calcium deficient
¢ People who are vegan
¢ People suffering from bone related disorder
¢ Pregnant women
¢ Women in menopause

4. Is it safe to take calcium tablets daily?

Yes, it is safe to take calcium tablets daily. 


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