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The best foods that can help in preventing and treating acne

Published : July 2, 2021 3 mins read Updated On : Mar 22, 2024
best foods Most people spend a fortune on over the counter, scrubs, masks and creams that claim to cure acne. However, if the problem is from within your body then none of these are going to be of any use. The condition of your skin is a message of what is going on inside your body. This is the reason that apart from topical application, you need to take care of your diet if you want to prevent breakouts. According to research, low glycemic and high protein foods are excellent to reduce the breakouts. Hence it is necessary to have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Let us look at some foods that help in preventing and treating acne prone skin.


This is a dark green leafy vegetable that is very low in calories. It is also dense in nutrients and is packed with fiber along with vitamins A, B-6, C and k. It also has minerals manganese, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium. The vitamins, anti-oxidants and minerals in Kale help to reduce pigmentation and enhance the ability of the skin to fight acne. Vitamin C especially promotes the formation of collagen apart from increasing immunity. This vitamin also helps in repairing acne scars because it increases the cell turnover rate. You can add cup of kale to your smoothie in the morning or lightly saute it with some condiments and eat it as a side dish.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes contain a large amount of beta carotene which gets converted to vitamin A in the body. The topical creams for acne often contain retinol which is a derivative of vitamin A. Once you eat sweet potatoes the beta carotene will be converted to vitamin A. This vitamin will act as a skin barrier against discoloration, inflammation, and clogged pores which are the result of free radicals. Vitamin A is also an anti-oxidant which will prevent this from happening and hence will reduce the break outs which are usually results of clogged pores.


Fresh lemon juice acts as a natural astringent which enables it to tighten sagging skin and blurring blemishes. It is not recommended to use it as a topical treatment for acne because it is too acidic and can damage the barrier of the skin. But lemon juice as a lemonade, or in a salad or any other way as part of your diet can reduce the breakouts. Lemon also has a high amount of vitamin C which is an anti-oxidant and as mentioned above very useful for acne prone skin.


Pumpkin is loaded with fruit enzymes, zinc, and alpha hydroxyl acids and it can soften your skin and restore the pH balance. This is the reason that it is present in many exfoliating products and masks. However, the high amount of fiber, and zinc in pumpkin will be very beneficial for acne prone skin if eaten regularly. Zinc is a popular treatment for acne because it helps to regulate the production of oil on the skin and thus helps in keeping the pores unclogged reducing the occurrence of acne. Usually it is difficult to intake the sufficient amounts of foods that help in preventing acne. This is the reason that supplements are the recommended treatment for acne or any other problem. Vitamin C, A and E, and zinc supplements prevent acne and also cure it. Chicnutrix Super C has been specially formulated with Natural Amla Extracts rich in Vitamin C and Zinc, to prevent and reduce acne breakouts, revitalize the skin, boost the collagen production and give you a clear healthy skin. It is made with Swiss Effervescent Technology, 100% vegan, clinically proven ingredients and dermatologist approved. It is gentle on stomach, absorbs faster and is very effective. Incorporate this vitamins and foods in your diet and you will be well on your way to achieve a clear, acne-free skin.


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