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How to stay mentally fit during social distancing

Published : July 2, 2021 2 mins read Updated On : Mar 22, 2024
social distancing The phase of the pandemic of coronavirus or COVID-19 that we have entered is an unprecedented one. You may also be inundated with guidelines about how to be safe and keep your family safe from the virus. However the main thing that is affecting many lives is social distancing. This is a thing that poses a challenge to your mental and emotional well-being. This risk is especially considerably high for kids who are suddenly cut off from friends and school. Here it is necessary to consider how to cope with this environment without going off the hook mentally and emotionally. This challenge needs to be addressed urgently and in order to remain emotionally and mentally fit during this pandemic it is necessary to use the following methods:
  • Social distance does not mean that you should become emotionally distanced. In this lockdown situation, you should make use of technology and connect with your friends and family widely.
  • It is also necessary to follow a clear routine and schedules 7 days a week and you should understand that you should not go overboard with it.
  • It is necessary that you exercise daily and engage in some physical activity every day.
  • Learn new things find out new things on the internet or read good books for which you never had time.
  • Spend quality time with your family and work to remove negativity from your home with a positive attitude. Also try to instill this positive attitude in other members of the family.
  • Of course you should spend some time just with yourself but make sure that you don?t isolate yourself.
  • Learn meditation techniques from the internet. In fact, you will even get some guided meditations that help you to relax and overcome stress.
  • Make a list of doable things that you enjoy the most and do them during these times
  • Do not watch too much of news on the TV or internet, except for keeping yourself updated. This is because a constant barrage of negative news about the fast spreading corona virus will only cause anxiety and so long as you are aware of the overall scenario it is alright.
  • Give yourself a warm water bath daily to reinforce the feeling of cleanliness.
You need to bear in mind that things will get better eventually and your life will come back to normal. Most people are good and they will help each other and preserve each other. You must be seeing that during the social distancing phase how people are helping each other with little kind actions. Remember that you are tough and you have overcome many challenges earlier, and will be able to overcome this one also. Try to watch comedy shows on TV or the internet, because humor helps overcome a lot of negative emotions. Just like all spiritual gurus have taught learn to live one day at a time and do not think of what will happen too much ahead in the future. Also remember to take proper diet and supplements for vitamin C and A, because these vitamins boost the immunity of the body and they will help you feel more secure in this environment.


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